Eighteen months ago, I stopped writing about my everyday attempt at being a better adult. I made a job hop to city government; and instead, I focused on surviving the torpedo of information and task level that came each day.  Processing life through the written word took a back seat, and I’ve missed it.

If I know anything to be true, it’s that the growth of my ability to tell a story is dependent on a consistent approach to writing and the practice of using vivid action to describe how I tackle life. 

So, here we are. On the last day of 2018, I’m launching a new corner of the Internet where my everyday stories, thoughts, ideas and more will find their home. 

Before we really get started though, I want to give you a rundown on what you will what you won’t find here. 

What will live inside these pages:

  • A very real and honest approach to my life as an introverted communicator.
  • This includes how I subdue the busy of my day job with friends/family, food, fitness and copious amounts of coffee (and a splash or five of bourbon).

What will not live inside these pages:

  • The inside scoop of my job. If you are here for commentary on the inner workings of city government, you will be disappointed. As exciting as it is, this space will serve as a place for me to freely write about all the other things I don’t get to write about daily.

From my latest tale in not being able to adult all that well to the neverending journey of being a healthier version of myself, you’ll find stories that might make you laugh, cry or maybe even both. Who knows? The good thing is that coffee will always be involved, and! If it’s the right time of day, so will bourbon. 

Thanks in advance for going on this journey with me. We’ll see where it takes us.